69 Harney Road, Scarsdale N.Y. 10583
phone.914.723.3655 fax.914.723.5057
email: info@jemdesign.com


Through the years, we have developed a number of efficient organizational procedures that enable us to complete your project as smoothly as possible. Some of these have come from our skills as architects, and others developed as a result of our construction experience.

Thorough Planning and Documentation

There is no substitute for effective planning. Our company focus on this issue, which includes documenting of the choices agreed upon in a thorough written and drawn format, pays dividends to all parties throughout the construction process. Everyone involved has a clear idea of what is expected of them and how their part fits into the big picture.

Effective Communication

Whether we are in the design phase or construction, you will always know what is going on with the project. We keep you continuously informed as to the progress of the job. We are your single, knowledgeable contact for all questions about the work, and we pride ourselves on our ability to keep everyone in the loop.

Meticulous Attention

Even the best professionals cannot expect the best results if they don’t provide the requisite attention. We give every job we produce our full and total attention - from the first sketch to the last nail.

Solid Experience and Skill

After years of producing complex projects and absorbing the stories of other architects and builders, we bring to every job the skills and experience it takes to get the work done - quickly and with unmatched levels of quality.

Always Reachable

When you call, we answer the phone. When you need to see us we are available. We have a real location - our office and storefront is open and staffed during business hours. We are always available - at any time - to answer a question, tweak a design or listen to feedback.


Because we are nearby, we are familiar with all applicable codes and regulations that apply. Being close also allows us to devote more attention to your project.